Wednesday, 5 May 2010

"It's about time our town has a young mind to represent tomorrow's Lutonian."

Still making up your mind who to vote for?  I'll give local people the last word...
"I see you speak quite openly about many of the issues the town Luton is facing." Kiji C

"You come across as a genuine person with ideas and morals of your own." Becky Hotard

"Finally, someone who wants to do something with derelict buildings and brownfield sites." Calie Pedder

"It's about time our town has a young mind to represent tomorrow's Lutonian." Peter Agaita Orun

"I like your humble approach." Zia Choudhury

"It's great to see someone actually engaging with the public and asking what THEY are interested in, which is how it should be." Matty Vasquez

"Vote people. VOTE! If you're in South Luton, vote for Joe Hall for Luton." Loz Conder
I’m local, honest and independent -- the only independent in Luton South with a manifesto.  I want to help make big, positive change in politics and in Luton.  This is what I stand for:

I believe in Luton.  I'm born and bred here.  We have a great town and great potential for the future.
I believe in education and young people.  For our future, for the ambition, aspiration and achievement we need in Luton.
I believe in a more equal society and supporting public services, particularly for the most vulnerable in our community.

You can see more in my film above.

Please tell your friends, family and work colleagues and help spread the word.

Thank you.


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