Wednesday, 28 April 2010

I Believe in Luton -- Watch the video

With just over a week till the election, I’ve made a film – I want to show what my campaign is all about.

On May 6th vote for passionate change and better politics for Luton's future.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

I'm endorsed by Martin Bell

From the Daily Mail:

Former MP and war reporter Martin Bell today introduced more than 40 people with 'real world experience' he personally endorsed to stand for Parliament.

Mr Bell, who was independent MP for Tatton from 1997 to 2001, said the candidates had an unprecedented opportunity to 'change the face of politics for good'.

The 47 candidates have all been endorsed by the Independent Network, an association that provides support to candidates who are not members of traditional political parties.

They have agreed to a code of conduct inspired by Mr Bell - the 'Bell Principles' - which require that they listen to and consult their communities, and resist abuses of power.

Independent candidate and TV presenter Esther Rantzen, who is not part of the Independent Network, will be challenged by independent Joe Hall in Luton South - where Labour's Margaret Moran stood down over her expense claims.

Read more here

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Monday, 12 April 2010

Ask me about the issues that matter

I published my manifesto recently so you can see my views on a range of issues.

Of course I couldn't include everything, so I'm happy to hear from you with your questions on local or national issues that matter to you -- please get in touch.

Below are ten questions on civil liberties -- an important national issue -- that two local people, Alex and James, have been in contact with me about via email ( and Twitter.

I haven't put yes or no for the question about police stop and search because it's more complex than that (I think it depends on the police officers and the situation, for example), and on the Human Rights Act I'm sure I would want to see changes to it, but this is a very broad question and it would depend on the particular issues we're discussing.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

What do you want from your MP?

The election has been called -- we have a month of energetic campaigning ahead.

But what do local people want from their MP?  I've been out talking to people and finding out.  I'd love to hear your views too -- please email me at